Friday, November 16, 2012

it's friday!

a while back, a friend of mine bought a new, very old house. one day she opened a drawer and found in it a piece of antique flowered linen, which she so kindly gave to me! it was really hard for me to cut into it, but i finally did and made this nice pillow for the bed! thank you maryka!!!

warm quilt on the bed. warm cat on the bed. we are ready for the long winter nights ahead!

p.s. happy birthday to me! ( egads! that is one SERIOUSLY filthy mirror..............i say that like i'm surprised!)


  1. I know how cats operate. Violet's thinking "no ones looking at that pillow. They're admiring my feline beauty!"

    1. i know ginny! i think you should definitely post your new kitties on your blog!!!!!

  2. I can't believe it's taken me two years to find this post. Love the pillow!
